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AGU Research Spotlight (Dec 28-Jan 03, 2019)

2019-01-04 10:52:45

Climate Change:

1. Scientists Invited to Collaborate in Satellite Mission's Debut

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission will begin by scanning Earth's surface once a day. We invite ocean scientists to contribute ground-based measurements to compare with the satellite data.


2. Organic Particles Affect Carbon Cycling in Boreal Waters

Dissolved organic carbon receives much of the focus in aquatic research, but a new study suggests that bulkier particulate matter may play a significant role in regulating carbon dioxide emissions.


3. Remote Sensing Leads to Better Understanding of Polar Regions

Fifteenth International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium; Potsdam, Germany, 10-14 September 2018


Hazards & Disasters:

1. Can Earthquakes Trigger Volcanic Eruptions?

A new study supports the idea that earthquakes may be associated with increased volcanic eruptions, but over longer time spans than prior research indicated.


Space & Planets:

1. Jupiter's Stressed Out Magnetosphere Causes Aurora and Heating

Force imbalance between Jupiter's ionosphere and magnetosphere leads to wave generation to release this stress, but the waves also accelerate particles, causing aurora and heating.


2. New Horizons Spacecraft to Reach Farthest Body in Solar System Yet

The flyby of Ultima Thule on New Year's Day will give us our first glimpse of a mysterious Kuiper Belt object.



1. Can You Explain Science Using Only 1,000 Common Words?

The Up-Goer Five Challenge forces researchers to peel back the jargon and reveal the simple nuggets of their work.



1. The Geophysical Signatures of Soil Structure

Geophysical methods may offer new opportunities for soil structure characterization over varied spatial and temporal scales.


2. The Fate of Root Carbon in Soil: Data and Model Gaps

Root Trait and Soil Carbon Workshop; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 31 July to 1 August 2018


3. Investigating the Northern Indian Ocean's Puzzling Geodynamics

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Proposal Nurturing Workshop on Indian Ocean; Goa, India, 17–18 September 2018


Geology & Geophysics:

1. Regional Metamorphism Occurs Before Continents Collide

Evidence from collision zones suggests that the high temperatures that create regional zones of metamorphic minerals occur in wide, hot back arcs prior to continental collision deformation.


2. Captivating Geoscience Videos of 2018

As the year comes to a close, look back on interesting Earth and planetary science phenomena captured on camera.


Hydrology, Cryosphere & Earth Surface:

1. The Geophysical Signatures of Soil Structure

Geophysical methods may offer new opportunities for soil structure characterization over varied spatial and temporal scales.



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