1. Visiting Assistant Professor
The Department of Geological Sciences at Ohio University invites applications for a full-time, one-year Visiting Assistant Professor in any field of geosciences to begin in August 2018. Successful candidates will possess a Ph.D. in geology and show demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching. We seek a broadly trained geoscientist whose primary duty will be to teach introductory level geology courses, including regular classroom courses and online courses, some of which were previously developed within the department. Candidates should have the potential to teach core curricular or advanced courses within their specialty. The expected teaching load will be 3 or 4 courses per semester. Courses taught may include Geology of National Parks, Oceanography, Natural Disasters, and Environmental Geology.
The Department of Geological Sciences has over 70 undergraduate majors and 20 graduate students. The department offers Bachelor of Science degrees in geology and environmental geology, a Bachelor of Arts degree in geology, and a Master’s of Science degree in geology. Ohio University is a research-extensive institution, enrolling over 23,000 students on the Athens campus and more than 8,000 students on five regional campuses. The College of Arts and Sciences includes 280 tenured and tenure-track faculty members and contains 19 departments. Further information about Ohio University may be found at the university’s web site:http://www.ohio.edu.
Athens, home of Ohio University, provides a classic and vibrant residential learning environment for over 20,000 students, and is a family-friendly and culturally rich community located amidst scenic state parks and a national forest just 75 minutes southeast of Columbus, OH. Recently, Athens was rated the Best College Small Town by the readers of USA Today. For more information about Athens, Ohio please visit: http://www.ci.athens.oh.us/.
Ohio University Department of Geological Sciences
Athens, Ohio
Salary commensurate with education and experience. Faculty also enjoy a generous benefits package.
May 16, 2018
Jun 15, 2018
Geochemistry,Hydrology,Mineral and Rock Physics,Natural Hazards,Ocean Science,Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Career Level
Early Career (up to 10 years past degree)
Education Level
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8005046/visiting-assistant-professor/?LinkSource=PremiumListing
2. Scientist II - Chemical and Composition Satellite Data Assimilation
New ideas are all around us, but only a few will change the world. That’s our focus at JPL. We ask the biggest questions, then search the universe for answers—literally. We build upon ideas that have guided generations, then share our discoveries to inspire generations to come. Your mission—your opportunity—is to seek out the answers that bring us one step closer. If you’re driven to discover, create, and inspire something that lasts a lifetime and beyond, you’re ready for JPL.
Located in Pasadena, California, JPL has a campus-like environment situated on 177 acres in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and offers a work environment unlike any other: we inspire passion, foster innovation, build collaboration, and reward excellence.
· PhD in Atmospheric Science, Geophysics or a related technical discipline.
· Demonstrated experience with satellite data assimilation of atmospheric chemical species in global chemical transport models.
· Advanced knowledge of chemistry and transport models.
· Excellent oral (including public speaking) and written communication skills.
· Experience working in a team environment.
· Strong interpersonal skills.
· Peer-reviewed publications that demonstrate the areas of required experience mentioned above are necessary.
Preferred Qualifications:
· Demonstrated skill in carbon cycle science, stratospheric chemistry, and/or air quality.
· Advanced knowledge of data assimilation of satellite observations in global chemical transport models.
· Experience with running the GEOS-Chem High Performance chemical transport model.
· Ability to perform multi-constituent data assimilation using multiple satellites.
· Familiarity with the use of chemical model fields in providing context for aircraft campaign measurements.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California (US)
JPL offers competitive salaries and generous benefits package
May 15, 2018
Jun 14, 2018
Atmospheric Sciences
Career Level
Early Career (up to 10 years past degree)
Education Level
Job Type
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8005057/scientist-ii-chemical-and-composition-satellite-data-assimilation/?LinkSource=PremiumListing
3. Postdoctoral Research Associate
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides supercomputing and advanced digital resources for the nation’s science enterprise. At NCSA, University of Illinois faculty, staff, students, and collaborators from around the globe use advanced digital resources to address research grand challenges for the benefit of science and society. NCSA has been advancing one third of the Fortune 50? for more than 30 years by bringing industry, researchers and students together to solve grand challenges at rapid speed and scale.
Key Responsibilities:
· Develop community models and tools for use in computational and data-intensive science and engineering more generally.
· Conduct software development for community tools such as yt to extend support for data from domains such as weather, seismology, oceanography, and engineering.
· Conduct outreach to domain research groups and conferences to demonstrate the capabilities of yt for working with common data formats and research data.
· Conduct research in related areas of physical and computational science.
· Releasing open source community software tools as well as publications describing those tools.
· Participating in grant proposal writing.
· Researchers are encouraged to further their own research interests in collaboration with the broad range of projects going on at NCSA.
· Interact with teams at NCSA, including specifically the ISDA, ISL, and visualization teams, as well with the national projects led by NCSA including NDS and the Blue Waters team on development of scalable algorithms and codes at the Petascale, and the XSEDE team in the development and deployment of computing and data-services and tools for communities in the physical sciences.
· Connect to faculty, postdocs, and students on campus, especially in the School of Information Sciences, Computer Science, Physics, Geology, Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences Departments.
Required Education and Experience:
· A recent PhD in meteorology, seismology, oceanography, physics, astronomy, computer science, information science, or a related field.
· Experience working with large, complex datasets and research data formats common in the applicant’s field of study.
· Experience with the Python programming language.
· Analytical problem solving ability
· Strong written and oral communication skills
· Good interpersonal and teamwork skills
Preferred Experience:
· Experience visualizing or analyzing volumetric datasets in the context of computational fluid dynamics simulations or tomographic reconstruction of remote sensing observations.
· Prior experience with one or more of the following computational approaches:
o Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)
o Lagrangian methods, including N-body methods, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, or other meshless hydrodynamics methods
o Finite element methods and unstructured meshes
o Hydrodynamics on curvilinear or geographically referenced meshes
· Familiar with yt, xarray, numba, dask, pandas, vaex, matplotlib or other python data science libraries.
· Experience with C, C++, Cython, Rust, or other low-level compiled languages is also encouraged.
· Experience working in the open on free and open source software using Git and GitHub.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
May 14, 2018
Jun 13, 2018
Career Level
Education Level
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8005053/postdoctoral-research-associate-/
4. PhD position (fully funded)
The PhD candidate will produce estimates for viscosity of the Earth’s mantle, which is the parameter that controls deformation. Such estimates are currently produced from seismic measurements. The aim of this project is to add gravity data and include variable mantle composition. The candidate will use existing software for integrated lithospheric modelling based on Fortran. The software will be extended to allow constraints from global gravity field models and isostasy in the lithosphere. The forward model is the basis for inversion techniques to obtain the mantle viscosity that best fits to constraints. Case studies are the North American craton and the Barents Sea region.
Applicants are expected to have an MSc degree (or the equivalent) in one of the following areas: Earth science, planetary science, physics, engineering, or a closely related area. A background in numerical modelling is desirable. Applicants must be proficient in spoken and written English.
Delft University of Technology
Delft (Stad), Zuid-Holland (NL)
salary scale 2222 - 2840 per month gross
May 14, 2018
Jun 11, 2018
Geodesy,Seismology,Solid Earth Geophysics,Tectonophysics
5. NOSAMS Graduate Student Internship Program
Two internships will be awarded this year to U.S. graduate students for research at the NOSAMS radiocarbon facility at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The internships should involve application of radiocarbon measurements to an important oceanographic research problem and/or development of new techniques for radiocarbon measurement and will provide 2 to 6 weeks at NOSAMS. Available funds will cover all analytical costs (for a modest number of analyses), round-trip travel, accommodation and subsistence while in Woods Hole, but not field work and sampling.
Candidates should submit a two-page proposal outlining the proposed work and motivation and we will begin reviewing submissions starting June 1, 2018. Proposals and CVs (both as pdf files) should be sent tonosamsinternship@whoi.edualong with contact information. Proposals will be judged on the basis of scientific soundness, relevance to capabilities and objectives at NOSAMS, novelty, and scientific impact. Priority will be given to collaborative research with PI's at NOSAMS, and that show promise for follow-on projects. Internships can be used at a mutually agreed time between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Massachusetts, United States
Woods Hole
May 12, 2018
Jun 11, 2018
Ocean Science,Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Career Level
Student / Graduate
Education Level
Job Type
6. Post-Doctoral researcher - Groundwater modeling
The department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Washington State University anticipates hiring a post-doctoral research fellow in the area of groundwater modeling. The two-year appointment will start in August 2018, focusing on developing a 3-D hydrogeologic and calibrated flow model to be used for long-term planning of water resources in the Palouse Basin of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.
The successful candidate will have experience in numerical modeling of groundwater systems and general hydrogeology, which should be evidenced by publications, preferably using the MODFLOW family of codes. The project will involve significant interaction with local experts and stakeholders so good interpersonal skills are also necessary. Qualified applicants are invited to compile a single PDF document containing: 1) a current curriculum vitae, 2) a statement of her or his long-term research and career goals, and 3) the names and current contact information for three professional references. The application PDF should be emailed to Prof. Nicholas Engdahl (nick.engdahl@wsu.edu) with the subject “Post-doctoral fellowship – Groundwater.”
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington State
Washington State
May 10, 2018
Jun 09, 2018
Palouse Groundwater Model
Career Level
Education Level
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8005028/post-doctoral-researcher-groundwater-modeling/
7. Director, USGS EROS Center
The Director, of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, provides executive leadership, management, and critical evaluation of the Center’s satellite mission management, geographic research and applications development and long-term data management projects and support activities. Other responsibilities include:
· Responsibility for the technical and administrative guidance and oversight of all scientific research, applications, engineering and development, and production activities conducted by EROS.
· Represents the USGS’s interests in space mission forums.
· Directs the activities of the EROS staff and supporting contracts, including the operation of satellite mission control facilities, the operation of associated ground receiving and processing systems; development of agreements with international cooperators, the operation of the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC); the management of the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive; and the conduct of research on new remote sensing tools and their applications to land resource management and Earth science issues.
· Manages USGS leadership of and/or participation in the Landsat 9, Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP), the Landfire Program, the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) Program, ongoing satellite mission operations for Landsat 7 and 8, the Famine Early Warning Systems, and emergency response support to disaster situations.
· Develops and maintains cooperative and collaborative relationships with executives, national program coordinators and science managers throughout the USGS, representing all discipline areas in order to promote and facilitate the growth and success of integrated and multidisciplinary science program and projects.
U.S. Geological Survey
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Sioux Falls
South Dakota
May 10, 2018
Jun 11, 2018
Earth and Space Science Informatics,Interdisciplinary/Other
Career Level
Education Level
Relocation Cost