2006-2010 B.E. Beijing Jiaotong University
2010-2012 M.E. Beijing Jiaotong University
2012-2016 PhD University of Technology, French
University of Strasbourg, French
University of Paris Nanterre, French
2016-2018 Postdoc Peking University
Research Interests:
Fiber Optics
Fiber Sensing
Guided Wave Optics
Photoelectric Detection
Composite Structural Material
Material Mechanical
Heat Conduction
Thermo Mechanical
1. YI, Duo, QIU, Xiaokang, GU, Lijuan, et al. "Research on an optimized optical fiber accelerometer for well logging". Proceedings of SPIE Commercial+ Scientific Sensing and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017. p. 102080Z-7.
2. YI, Duo, PFEIFFER, Pierre, SERIO, Bruno, et al. "Integration of an intensity-modulated optical fiber temperature sensor into ceramic coating obtained by wire flame thermal spray". Proceedings of SPIE Optical Metrology, 2015.p. 95253G-1.
3. YI, Duo, COSTIL, Sophie, PFEIFFER, Pierre, et al. Optical fiber embedding in thermal spray coating promises new smart materials design able to operate under harsh environment. Proceedings of SPIE Optical Sensing and Detection III, 2014. p. 914112.
4. Xiaokang Qiu, Fei Liu, Bin Xie, Hongpu Zhou, Duo Yi, Xiangge He, Xiaoping Zheng,“A new fiber optic accelerometer with the push-pull structure using 3x3 coupler”, 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. April 23, 2017. (Top conference)
5. Li Han, Xiangge He, Yong Pan, Fei Liu, Duo Yi, Chengjun Hu, Min Zhang, Lijuan Gu, "Distributed acoustic sensing technique and its field trial in SAGD well", Proc. SPIE 10464, AOPC 2017: Optical Information and Network (Optical Fiber Sensors), 104642K,25 October 2017;
6. 何向阁,刘飞,古利娟,易多,张敏.点式与分布式相结合的声波传感系统,2017中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,2017年10月
7. 刘飞,何向阁,,易多,古利娟,张敏.声光调制器对于外差解调干涉型光纤传感器噪声性能的影响2017中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,2017年10月
8. 张敏(合作导师),易多,何向阁,刘飞,古利娟,邱晓康.一种弱反射布拉格光栅加速度计及其测量方法:中国,2017.已受理,申请号:201710806184.4
9. 张敏(合作导师),易多,邱晓康,何向阁,刘飞,古利娟.一种实现共模噪声自抑制的光纤矢量水听器及其传感方法:中国,2017.已受理,申请号:201711020663. X