1. Faculty Positions in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty Positions in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) invites applications for several tenure track faculty positions to begin July 2018 or thereafter. Appointments will be at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In special cases, a senior faculty appointment may be possible.
We will consider exceptional candidates in all areas relevant to the mission and vision of the department, but the department is especially looking for candidates to expand or strengthen its current areas of:
1. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, in the context of Coastal Engineering and Coastal Resiliency
2. Transportation and Systems, in the context of Autonomy, Urban Mobility, Smart Services and Cyberphysical Systems
3. Geomechanics, in the context of Natural Hazards and Urban Environments
4. Design for Sustainability, especially in the context of Structural Engineering
The candidate should have demonstrated excellence in original research and demonstrate strong fundamental knowledge in a core area. Faculty responsibilities will include teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels, developing course materials, student advising, conducting original scholarly research, and supervision of student research. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. by the beginning of employment.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Oct 16, 2017
Dec 15, 2017
Career Level
Education Level
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004135/faculty-positions-in-the-department-of-civil-and-environmental-engineering-/
2.Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level in the area of Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources Engineering. The appointment is expected to begin September 1, 2018. We seek an individual who can provide innovative solutions to national and international water challenges, broadly defined. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to, hydroclimatology, land surface modeling, resilient water infrastructure design and management, and environmental data science with an emphasis on engineering applications and high powered computing.
UMass Amherst, located in Amherst, Massachusetts, sits on nearly 1,450 acres in the scenic Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, 90 miles from Boston and 175 miles from New York City. The campus provides a rich cultural environment in a rural setting close to major urban centers.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amherst, Massachusetts
Oct 16, 2017
Nov 15, 2017
Career Level
Education Level
3. Faculty positions at the Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
The Department of Geosciences at NTU is seeking active scientists to fill two faculty positions starting from August 1st, 2018. The positions are open to candidates from all fields in geosciences, but those who have strong background in the fields of petrology and geochemistry, geo-resources, energy exploration, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology and hydro- and applied geology will receive more favorable consideration. Applicants are requested to submit the following documents: CV, list of publications, statements of teaching and research interests, names and contact information of three referees, and three to five articles published within the last seven years (one of which need to be designated as representative paper and must be published after August 1st, 2013). Application materials should be sent by email to Professor J. Bruce H. Shyu, the Chair of the Searching Committee, at jbhs@ntu.edu.tw.
Dept Geosciences, Natl Taiwan Univ
Taipei (TW)
Oct 16, 2017
Nov 15, 2017
Biogeosciences,Geochemistry, Geodesy,Hydrology,Interdisciplinary/Other,Mineral and Rock Physics,Natural Hazards, Near Surface Geophysics, Solid Earth Geophysics, Tectonophysics,Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Career Level
Education Level
Job Type
4. Open Rank Faculty Positions - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1. Optimization and Life-Cycle Performance for Large-Scale Structural Systems:Advanced computational simulations and experimental testing methods for design optimization and life-cycle performance assessment of large-scale structures and infrastructure. Areas of desired expertise include but are not limited to: dynamic response and fluid-structure interaction of special and long-span bridges, high-rise buildings, coastal structures, wind turbines and off-shore structures; modular, morphing, adaptive and tensegrity structural systems; innovative designs for large-scale structures and infrastructure using topology optimization; and additive manufacturing and 3D printing applied to large-scale structures.
2. Geoengineering for Sustainable Urban and Off-Shore Development: Foundation and infrastructure development, modeling, design, maintenance, reuse and renewal in congested urban environments and in offshore settings. Advancement of smart geo-infrastructure, onshore and offshore energy foundations, shallow geothermal applications, and deep geo-energy development. Analytical, experimental, and numerical study of soil-structure interaction and design of onshore and offshore foundations to improve infrastructure resilience to extreme events and geohazards. Modeling of shallow and deep geo-energy applications for energy production, gas sequestration, and waste storage.
3. Synthetic Biology for Environmental Solutions: Creation of innovative solutions for bioenergy, resource recovery, and emerging public health concerns by leveraging synthetic or molecular biology tools (e.g., high throughput DNA synthesis), novel biological systems (e.g., genetic circuits, enzymes, genetically engineered microbes), fundamental biological and chemical concepts, artificial intelligence, and big data science, as well as collaborations in Computer Science, Public Health, or related fields.
4. Emerging Construction Materials for Buildings and Pavements: Design and implementation of innovative materials to enable sustainable and functional civil infrastructure. Areas of desired expertise include but are not limited to: smart materials that enable adaptive, multi-functional, self-healing, energy harvesting, phase changing or sensing properties; sustainable materials including alternative cements and binders, advanced polymer or asphalt composites, and materials with enhanced durability; and materials that promote emerging construction practice such as additive manufacturing and automated construction processes.
5. Sustainable and Smart Infrastructure and Multimodal Transportation: Planning, design, construction, monitoring, management, and control of complex infrastructure systems and multimodal transportation for enhanced efficiency, resilience, and sustainability; integration of engineering fundamentals and principles, interdisciplinary approaches, and emerging technologies (e.g., high-performance computing, automation, robotics, networked sensing, data analytics) to address new opportunities such as smart infrastructure systems (e.g., roads, structures, electricity, water) and autonomous and connected transportation.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Oct 13, 2017
Nov 12, 2017
Career Level
Education Level
Job Type
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004124/open-rank-faculty-positions-department-of-civil-and-environmental-engineering/
5. Cluster Hiring in Geo-Bioinformatics/Environmental Genomics and Organic Biogeochemistry
The Southern University of Science and Technology (known as SUSTech or SUSTC) (http://www.sustc.edu.cn/en) was founded in 2011 with public funding from Shenzhen, a dynamic city that has been viewed as the vanguard of China’s development in science and technology. The goal of SUSTech is to become a top-tier international university that excels in interdisciplinary research, talent development and knowledge discovery.
The Institute for Geo-Omics Research (TIGOR) at SUSTech aims to become an open platform for world class research in microbial oceanography and geomicrobiology, and an inviting home for domestic and overseas scientists to exchange ideas and together advance the field of ocean sciences. In the early stage of TIGOR’s growth, the priority will be to build two research strengths: Geo-Bioinformatics/Environmental Genomics and Organic Biogeochemistry. The integration of these strengths will allow us to study systematically the evolution of life on early Earth, microbial ecology impacted by human activity, mechanisms of bio-organic interactions in the deep ocean, and fundamentals of biogeochemistry (e.g. lipid biosynthesis and bio-fractionation of isotopes of life-essential elements).
In Geo-Bioinformatics/Environmental Genomics hiring, we seek highly qualified candidates (at the assistant or associate professor levels) who are able to apply bioinformatics techniques (metagenomics, multi-omic integrative analysis, in silicolead discovery from microbial metabolites and computational biology algorithm/server development) to analyze data from the next-generation sequencing and other high-throughput sequence profiling to address fundamental questions mentioned above. Candidates with strong ecological backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
In Organic Biogeochemistry hiring, we seek highly qualified candidates (at the assistant, associate or full professor levels) with strong skills in mass spectrometry and isotope geochemistry. The candidates are expected to apply GC-MS, LC-MS (Orbitrap or ion mobility Q-TOF), FT-ICR MS, or AMS to address questions mentioned above.
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Shenzhen, China
Highly competitive salaries and benefit packages will be provided.
Oct 13, 2017
Nov 12, 2017
Career Level
Education Level
Job Type
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004119/cluster-hiring-in-geo-bioinformatics-environmental-genomics-and-organic-biogeochemistry/?LinkSource=PremiumListing
6. Assistant Professor, full-time with tenure track, in low temperature geochemistry
The University of Lausanne is a research and higher education institution comprised of seven faculties where approximately 14,300 students and nearly 3,900 collaborators, professors, and researchers work and study. Ideally situated on Lake Geneva, near Lausanne's city center, its campus brings together over 120 nationalities.
The Faculty of Geoscience and the Environment of the University of Lausanne wishes to fill the post of
Assistant Professor, full-time with tenure track, in low temperature geochemistry
within its Institute of Earth Sciences.
This post is aimed at a researcher in natural sciences within the field of Earth Sciences. The Faculty wishes to prioritise the engagement of an academic scientist, working in the field of low temperature geochemistry, and with interest in the use of in situ microanalysis. In order to support the development of our national experimental facility SwissSIMS, leadership of UNIL’s secondary ion microprobe facility is expected in due course.
Complementary Information
The appointment is expected to be made at the rank of Assistant Professor, tenure track (possibility of tenure and promotion to Associate Professor within 5-6 years), normally of someone within 9 years of completing their PhD (part time working and career breaks excluded). An appointment at the rank of Associate or Full Professor may be considered for more senior candidates with an exceptional track record who would advance the Faculty's objectives in relation to equal opportunities between men and women and the Faculty’s strategy regarding the recruitment of professors (see www.unil.ch/gse under “La Faculté -- L’égalité à la FGSE”, point 2.2 of the action plan).
http://www.unil.ch/central/en/home.html, -> Jobs -> job ad nr 12213
Switzerland, Lausanne, Geopolis building
Oct 13, 2017
Nov 12, 2017
job ad nr 12213
Geochemistry, Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Career Level
Early Career (up to 10 years past degree)
Education Level
Job Type
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004101/assistant-professor-full-time-with-tenure-track-in-low-temperature-geochemistry/?LinkSource=PremiumListing
7.Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty Position in Exposure and/or Risk Assessment Modelling
To enhance the University of Saskatchewan’s (U of S) and Canada’s capability to deliver transformative science in Water Security, the Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS), U of S, invites applications from outstanding researchers for a tenure-track or tenured position in the area of Exposure and/or Risk Assessment Modelling as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.
The position is funded by, and will contribute to, the Global Water Futures (GWF) program, a transformative pan-Canadian research program, led by the U of S. GWF aims to place Canada as a global leader in water science for the world’s cold regions and to address the strategic needs of the Canadian economy in adapting to change and managing the risks of uncertain water futures, including extreme events and compromised water quality. GWF is transdisciplinary, working with a wide range of users and integrating the natural, social, health and engineering sciences to provide disaster warning, improved prediction of climate and water futures, and the decision support tools needed to inform adaptation to change and risk management. This 7 year, $143 million program builds on the expertise of the U of S and 3 key partner universities (McMaster, Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier), faculty from 14 other universities, and 8 federal agencies, with strong international collaboration.
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Oct 12, 2017
Nov 11, 2017
Global Environmental Change,Hydrology,Interdisciplinary/Other
Career Level
Education Level
Job Type
Tenure Track
Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004115/tenure-track-or-tenured-faculty-position-in-exposure-and-or-risk-assessment-modelling-/?LinkSou